Summary of guidelines with full version available below the text


  • Assess needs for the event and define detailed volunteer roles.
  • Develop an online task list to ensure accessibility and flexibility for volunteers with special needs or tight schedules.
  • Establish a comprehensive recruitment timeline (8 weeks prior event for planning, 6 weeks for active recruitment, 4 weeks for finalising roles).

Volunteer Recruitment

  • Use diverse platforms such as schools, community centres, and social media to attract potential volunteers (students, elderly, people with less opportunities…).
  • Highlight the personal and community benefits of volunteering.
  • Tailor recruitment messages to promote inclusion, focusing on individuals with disabilities, special needs, or from marginalised backgrounds.
  • Engage local networks, apply internal databases, and personal connections to widen the reach.


  • Ensure volunteers receive role-specific and inclusive training.
  • Cover key areas such as first aid, conflict resolution, and scenario-based exercises.
  • Provide training in flexible formats to accommodate different learning needs.

Support and Engagement

  • Offer flexible schedules, group opportunities, and travel/parking support. 
  • Encourage open dialogue with volunteers to address their needs and barriers.
  • Maintain engagement through regular updates, social media groups, and pre-event team-building activities.
  • At the event, offer support to volunteers, provide healthy snacks and potential gifts.

Feedback and Recognition

  • After the event collect volunteer feedback to identify areas for improvement and refine future strategies.
  • Recognise contributions through certificates, public acknowledgment, and other incentives. 

Tips and Recommendations:

  1. Create Accessible Roles – ensure that tasks are adaptable for volunteers with different abilities. 
  2. Foster Inclusion in Messaging – use diverse imagery and inclusive language to attract all groups.
  3. Use Clear Communication – simplify expectations and schedules.
  4. Provide Support and Mentoring – adapt it to all types of volunteers and their needs. 
  5. Celebrate Volunteer Contributions – acknowledge efforts openly to build a strong volunteer community.